Detailed information about HMRC deadlines for paying PAYE, and what happens if you miss the deadline.

What are the HMRC Deadlines for Paying PAYE?

Employers wanting to keep abreast of their requirements should be careful to pay PAYE bills by the following strict HMRC deadlines:

  • Monthly payments: You must pay the tax and National Insurance contributions, along with any other deductions reported on your Full Payment Submission (FPS)[1]Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Full Payment Submission from the previous tax month, by the 22nd of the current month. If you choose to pay by post, the deadline is the 19th of the month.
  • Quarterly payments: If your monthly PAYE payments are typically less than £1,500, you may be eligible to pay quarterly instead of monthly. To arrange this, you should contact HMRC’s payment helpline.

>>> HMRC’s official employee guidelines for PAYE can be read here

What are the HMRC Deadlines for Paying PAYE Tax?

What Happens if I Miss the PAYE Deadline?

If you miss the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) deadline for submitting payroll information or making payments, several consequences can occur.

  • Penalties – You may incur penalties. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) issues automatic fines depending on the size of your workforce and the number of times the deadline is missed during the tax year. For late filing, the penalties range from £100 per month for businesses with fewer than 10 employees, to £400 per month for those with 250 or more employees. Additionally, repeated late submissions can lead to escalating penalties.
  • Interest -Late payment of PAYE taxes can attract interest on the amount owed from the due date until the date payment is made.
  • Threatening Letters – You might receive a letter from HMRC notifying you of the missed deadline and requesting immediate action to correct the situation.

If your company is struggling to meet its PAYE obligations, this may be a symptom of a larger problem and possibly an early warning sign for insolvency. We offer a free, confidential telephone consultation to any business wishing to better understand a situation regarding late payment of tax to HMRC.

For free confidential advice on tax problems, such as missed late corporation tax payments, VAT arrears and PAYE contact us on 0800 074 6757.

Can I Appeal Against a Late Payment Penalty for PAYE?

Yes, you can appeal against a late payment penalty for PAYE if you believe there has been a reasonable excuse for the delay, or if you dispute the penalty for other reasons.

To appeal, you should:

  1. Visit the HMRC website at
  2. If you are registered for HMRC’s PAYE for employers service, log in and select ‘Appeal a penalty’.
  3. Submit your appeal through the online service, where you will receive immediate acknowledgement of your submission.

If you need help understanding the best course of action for your company or navigating complex financial circumstances, please reach out to one of our experienced advisors. Use the live chat during working hours or call 0800 074 6757. We have extensive experience in assisting directors through challenging financial situations.


The primary sources for this article are listed below, including the relevant laws and Acts which provide their legal basis.

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  1. Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Full Payment Submission