What are the benefits of liquidating a company? And are there downsides or risks?

Business debts are typically wiped clean.The company closes.
Ends Creditor PressurePersonal guarantees for business debts may be called upon, risking personal assets like your home.
Legal actions against the company stop.Insolvency practitioners will investigate your actions before insolvency.
The cost of liquidating is often less than the total debt.Outstanding overdrawn director’s loan accounts must be repaid.
Staff can claim owed pay from the Redundancy Payments Office.All company assets, including property and vehicles, will be sold to pay off creditors.
Leases and hire purchase agreements are terminated.Employees will lose their jobs.
Insolvency practitioner handles creditors like HMRC.Suppliers and creditors may not recover all amounts owed.
You can start new ventures or seek other employment.The company’s reputation, trading licenses, and other valuable intangible assets will be lost.
No longer pursued for business-related taxes like PAYE or VAT.

Contact Company Debt’s licensed insolvency practitioners today to navigate your CVL process with expert guidance and support.

Advantages Of Liquidating A Business

  • Liquidation means most business debts you haven’t personally guaranteed are wiped clean, giving you a fresh start.
  • Choosing to liquidate keeps directors in control. You can choose the liquidator you work with, and avoid the intensive scrutiny which comes with compulsory winding up.
  • Once you liquidate, any legal actions against your company come to a halt, freeing you from this pressure.
  • The cost of liquidating is usually taken from the sale of assets and is often less than the total debt, making it financially manageable.
  • If the business can’t pay wages, your staff (and directors, if they’re an employee too) can claim owed pay from the Redundancy Payments Office[1]Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Redundancy: Your Rights.
  • When you liquidate, any leases and hire purchase agreements are typically terminated, so you don’t need to worry about ongoing payments.
  • The insolvency practitioner deals with creditors like HMRC for you, saving you from stressful interactions and intimidating communications.
  • Post-liquidation, you’re free to embark on new business ventures or seek employment elsewhere.
  • After liquidation, you won’t have HMRC on your case for business-related taxes like PAYE or VAT.

Disadvantages To Liquidation

  • All assets owned by the company, including property, vehicles, and machinery, will be sold to pay off creditors.
  • If you, as a director, have signed personal guarantees for business debts, these will be called upon during liquidation. This can blur the line between corporate and personal debt, potentially risking personal assets like your home.
  • The insolvency practitioner will investigate your actions before the company’s insolvency. If found that you continued trading while knowing the company was insolvent, you might face charges of wrongful trading.
  • Outstanding overdrawn director’s loan accounts in liquidation must be repaid. The inability to repay could lead to negotiations for a lower amount, depending on the case.
  • Liquidating your business means all employees will lose their jobs. This can be particularly difficult if you have a loyal and close-knit workforce, making it a painful aspect of the process.
  • Suppliers and creditors are likely to lose money, as they may not recover all amounts owed.
  • The company’s reputation, any trading licenses, and other valuable intangible assets will be lost.
Quick Quote for Closing a Company

Get Free Liquidation Advice Today

At Company Debt, we offer free, expert advice to help you understand your options and make informed decisions about liquidating your business[2]Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Liquidation and Insolvency Guide. Whether you’re facing creditor pressure, concerned about personal liabilities, or just need guidance on the next steps, our London-based team is here to support you.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards resolving your company’s financial challenges. Let us help you find the best path forward. Call us, email, or fill out our online form to get started.

Read our full articles on liquidating a company, and what happens to directors during company liquidation.


The primary sources for this article are listed below, including the relevant laws and Acts which provide their legal basis.

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  1. Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Redundancy: Your Rights
  2. Trusted Source – GOV.UK – Liquidation and Insolvency Guide