Are you looking for an up-to-date list of UK limited companies which have gone into liquidation? Here’s how you can find that.


Use the Gazette to Find Companies in Liquidation

The Gazette, which is the official journal of public record, contains a record of every company undergoing an insolvency process. You can access their current list here:, then tick ‘liquidation’ in the left hand menu to filter down accordingly.

Search Companies House for Businesses in Liquidation

Another option is Companies House, the Registrar for limited companies in the UK Their website also contains an updated searchable database here:

Insolvency Service List of Companies in Provisional Liquidation

A third option is run by HMRC’s own Insolvency Service, which shows a current list of businesses in provisional liquidation. Provisional liquidation means the court has frozen the assets of a company while it weighs up whether it should be liquidated.

You can see that list here:

Are You Concerned Your UK Company is Going Bust?

Speak with one of our experts for a confidential, no obligation discussion about practical measures we can take to help you.